Mental Health and Ayurveda: A Review

  • Dr. Renu Khayamali Ayurveda Campus
  • Sowmya Bhat
  • Rameswori Khayamali
Keywords: Mental health, Ayurveda, Mental wellbeing Achara rasayana,


Around 450 million people currently suffer from mental diseases, placing mental disorders among the leading causes of ill-health and disability worldwide while mental health services in South-East Asia tend to be urban-centered and hospital-based and 80%-90% of populations have no access to treatment. The prevalence of the mental disorders are increasing day-by-day globally.  

The equilibrium between the dosha-dhatu-mala (physiological functioning), mind, body and soul is considered as health in Ayurveda. The emphasis is given to the normal functioning of the emotion, cognition and mental health, and mental faculties of an individual has been indicated as the nidana (etiological factor) for many physical and mental disorder.

The mental faculties of an individual is described in term of manas in ayurveda. The word manas is derived from root word mana which means to think and it is considered to be the cause of mental well being. In the contemporary science the mind and brain activities are considered complimentary. In Ayurvedic text vivid description about manas (mind), causes, treatment and prevention of manasa vyadhi (mental disorder) are given and the mental well being is considered most important.

The causes of mental disorder are multitude in Ayurveda. The prime cause of manasa vyadhi(mental disorder) is pragyaparadha (volitional transgression). Other causes include violation of sadvritta (code of conduct), improper aahara and vihaara (food and lifestyle) or even may be due to the papa karma(sinful act) performed in this life or previous life. Even the physical disease can be the etiology of mental disorder and vice-versa.

The emphasis in swasthavritta(health regimens), sadvritta(correct behaviour, code of conduct), achara rasayana (ideal behaviour),  medhya rasayana (nootropic drugs)and yoga are given in Ayurveda to prevent from mental ailments. The treatment of manasa vyadhi may be different according to the hetu(causes) or the symptoms of the individual. The therapeutic approaches are different to each and every individual according to the vitiated shariraka (vata, pitta and kapha )and manasika dosha (raja and tama).

The aim of this paper will be to collect the description regarding the mental health in the ayurvedic text and to describe its relevance in the present context and their role in the maintenance of mental wellbeing.

How to Cite
Khayamali, D. R., Bhat, S., & Khayamali, R. (2023). Mental Health and Ayurveda: A Review. The Healer, 4(1), 26-40.
Review Article

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