Scientific Overlook of Shodhan Concept in Ayurvedic Pharmaceutics: Metals and minerals

  • Kapil Deo Yadav Father
Keywords: Shodhan, Nirvapa, Dhalana, Swedan, Bhavana


Shodhan, unique concept of purification & potentiation in Ayurvedic pharmaceutics, specially mentioned for metals and minerals which have been indicated in range of disorders from common (fever etc.) to serious (cancer  etc.) disorders.  Shodhan of metals and minerals is extremely depending up on its physico-chemical properties. The metals & minerals having melting point more than 5000C (Swarna-Gold, Lauha-Iron, Tamra-Copper etc) subjected to Shodhan by Nirvapa (Heating and dipping into liquid medium)  whereas Dhalana  (Heating, melting and dipping into liquid medium) process is applied to the substance having melting point  in range of 100 to 500 0C (Naga-Lead, Vanga-Tin, Yasad-Zinc etc.). Furthermore, substances of organic origin like praval (coral), mukta (pearl), shankha (conch shell) etc. and metals/ mineral having melting point less than 100 0C like parad (mercury) is mainly subjected to shodhan either by swedan (Boiling or Fomentation with liquid) or bhavana (Trituration with small quantity of liquid) process.

How to Cite
Yadav, K. D. (2023). Scientific Overlook of Shodhan Concept in Ayurvedic Pharmaceutics: Metals and minerals. The Healer, 3(2), 8.
Review Article