Case study of Ama roga with respect to hypersensitivity type I reaction

  • Nikee Maharjan PG Scholar
Keywords: Ama, Agni, Allergens, Hypersensitivity


Ayurveda is the veda recalled by Lord Brahma at the dawn of human existence for the betterment of human life in swarga loka and Prithvi Loka. It is therefore Anadi i.e. with no beginning nor ending, Sashwat I.e. eternal and with its own basic principles. The principle of Agni and Ama is one of them. Agni is considered as the prime factor in the maintenance of life whereas if same agni is in in equilibrium state the ingested food taken is not digested properly leading to formation of toxin particles that is known as Ama which can further prevent proper nurture of rasa raktadi dhatus. So, ama can be defined as a substance which is involved in the process of paka without attaining its final form being circulated via blood in body as foreign particle or free radicles and over a long period of time may get converted into amabisha. For which tissue consider as allergens and develops a reaction either to opsonize it or to eliminate that which reaction is known as hypersensitivity. The dysfunction arises out of that reaction is called allergic disorder. Hence all allergic disorders are to be considered as samarogas and the principles of samarogas chikitsa should be adapted to relieve and cure the condition. Therefore, a patient with known case of hypersensitivity type I allergy to milk, egg and shrimp was treated with same principle and had got satisfactory result.

How to Cite
Maharjan, N. (2023). Case study of Ama roga with respect to hypersensitivity type I reaction . The Healer, 4(1), 104-110.
Case Report